Wake County 2-pager

Improving Health Outcomes and Preserving Local Agriculture with Food is Health in Wake County, North Carolina

Nourishing Wake: A Food is Health Approach with NourishedRx

In Wake County – the most populous in North Carolina – many residents face limited access to fresh food, chronic diseases linked to poor nutrition, and transportation barriers that make accessing healthy options difficult. At the same time, local farmers struggle with farmland loss, with nearly 20% of Wake County’s farm and forest land disappearing in just nine years.

To tackle these challenges head-on, Wake County is partnering with NourishedRx to integrate healthcare with local food systems.

Download this resource to learn how NourishedRx is working with Wake County to:

  • Build a scalable, data-driven model for nutrition security and chronic disease management.
  • Work with local food providers to directly address Wake Country's nutrition-related challenges while sustaining local agriculture.
  • Measure program success to support sustainable funding in Wake County and create a replicable model for state and local government-funded Food is Health programs.

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